Thursday, October 11, 2007

Met_a~mor_phi~sis (ME & jAySoN's)

This pencil project was the comparison of my 2nd metamorphosis and jayson's PAncil box. instead of using the identical material i used the acrylic from my metamorphosis as the stand for the pencils. and i used the electrical tape once again as the string to hold the pencils up which are holding them in the upright position. the shape of the stand came from JAysons original idea, but instaed of the cirlce i gave it a new " wave like" effect.

Met_a~mor_phi~sis( ME & JeNnIfEr'S)

This was the comparison of me and JeNniFeR's project in which i kept her form but added an extra box and used the clear opieces that i had used in the first MEtamorphosis. I njoyed this project because it taught me lesson in Balance. I am proud of my outcome in this project.

WhAt Is sTuDiO???

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Memory Box

10 Ideas


My project originated from the Designs of Jayson Parker and Jennifer Cochran's pencil boxes. The process was hard at first because i could not figure out just how to piece their diferent projects together and it actually look like something. Once i got this idea i ran with it and tried to make the best combined representation of the two as possible. I took the triangular shape of the pencil box from Jennifer's Design and i added the extra pencil holders on the outside of the box from Jayson's Design.When put together i really liked the outcome of my product and i hope that the original two designers think i did their work justice.

Friday, September 21, 2007